Genevieve Hamblen, originally from Birmingham, Alabama, is now an Interior Designer in the Memphis area. After staying home to raise her children and be a full-time mom, she decided to go back to work and pursue interior design. Genevieve is indeed formally educated, but surprisingly not in interior design! Mostly everything she knows in this field was either learned from her short time in Design School in Kansas, through experience, or self taught. Her father and brother were both in the industry so she grew up visiting job sites and taking it all in. She prides herself in working hard to listen and learn but believes talent is extremely important in the success of a designer and that her need to create is what drives her to improve her work in this industry.
Below is an interview we did with Genevieve Hamblen at Pacific Shore Stones Olive Branch in an effort to learn more about her and what inspires her work! The photos are from a project she did using our Neolith Calacatta on the backsplash and island, with our Nero Orion Honed on the surrounding countertops.
Go-to color for painting a kitchen?
I don’t really have a “go-to color” but I do like Toque White from Sherwin Williams right now. It’s a white that contrasts with a brighter white trim like snowbound. It also “plays well” with other neutrals in the cool and warm spectrums which makes it easy to use in most applications.
Favorite part about interior designing?
My favorite part of interior designing is probably helping people. I love the creative side but if I never saw how my designs help the client live in their space it wouldn’t be as rewarding for me.
How would you describe your style?
I would say my personal style is curated. I love to layer and prefer a well collected look with a balance of styles. I am also very intent on executing the technical aspects of color to create a space that is aestically pleasing without making a single color statement. However, I believe my style shouldn’t dictate someone else’s style so I try to understand what my client would like as opposed to what I like.
Favorite trend(s) of the year?
Hmmm, that is hard. I love new trends so I may change my mind by the end of the is questionnaire. If I had to pick one trend though I would say designing for function is my favorite. I also believe this is a trend that should never go out of style.
Where do you go to get design inspiration?
I get design inspiration from my surroundings. I see colors and textures in nature and pull from that.
What inspires you at the moment?
My kids inspire me. I have tried to challenge them to intentionally work at their passions. In that light, I try to do the same for myself. They (my kids) work hard to continually improve themselves in their respective interests and it inspires me to do the same. I never want to become stagnant in what I am doing but you have to intentionally work at constant improvement.
What kind of works do you usually prefer?
By works, I am assuming you mean “genre”. I would say I like to work on new construction. Not only do I love to see an entire space built from the ground up but I love the way I am invited into the clients’ lives for a small portion of time. It's an honor to be a part of something that a family will build memories around.
What do you consider before designing?
I try to consider the client’s needs and budget when designing. Designers don’t work in a vacuum and my vendors, suppliers or preferences should take a backseat to the parameters around their budget.